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In the pursuit of optimizing the information for your facility, maturity assessments can be used as a management tool to find challenges and define a roadmap for improvement. Our Engineering Information Maturity Check is a condensed version of our renowned 7 Summits model but will provide you with insights to support your digital transformation journey.
This short assessment of about 10 minutes will provide you with insights for areas where your organization can improve. Across a wide array of topics such as strategy, resources, information systems, and many others, we ask questions to provide a tailored response. As a result, we will provide a free report based on your answers.
People who need, use and manage technical information in the following functions; engineering, operations, maintenance and asset management.
Developed by the award-winning Kinsmen Group team, it is the only maturity assessment with a specific focus on Engineering Information. Manufacturing companies who manage complex engineering information and experience high levels of change intensity have a harder time controlling and optimizing their data.
Kinsmen Group are engineering information specialists. Our goal is to support your organization in achieving what we call a Best Document Asset (BDA). Envision your facility where all documents and data, regardless of age and source, are 100% accurate, up to date, aligned, and comply with all regulatory requirements.
If you are looking for the specification of a certain pump in the facility, how many systems do you need to access to find all the information you need, and secondly, how many variations of that equipment number do you find while going through this? If this sounds familiar to you, take the survey and let us know how we can help.
The 7 Summits assessment can be viewed as the big brother for the maturity check. Rooted in academic research, decades of customer experience, and based on common Asset Management principles, it covers over 200 criteria to provide a detailed picture of your current organization and bottlenecks. The result of a 7 Summits Engagement is an executable plan, based on goals that are jointly established.
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